Tuesday, May 25, 2010

City sounds.

I got out of my car late tonight, and listened.

I could hear the awful sounds of sirens, engines, squealing tires - the usual rushing noise of city life. At first, I thought about how much I can't stand the sounds. So industrial and human-polluted; almost numbing.

But then I reconsidered. Those noises? They represent life. People driving to see their friends and families. People building careers. People saving lives. Lives ending, lives beginning.

I always say how much I can't stand the city. But, really, a city is just a crowd of life, gathering in one spot. Despite the pollution, the concrete, and the fences, I could never truly hate a place like that.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

19 days.

Graduation is coming up.
I'm not sure if I've ever experienced a feeling as strange as this one.
There's been so many things happening recently, that I haven't stopped to appreciate the huge milestone that I am about to come to in my life. It's bittersweet to consider how these years of schooling have been leading up to this monumental day.

Many other things seem to be coming together as of late, too. Things that seem to have been set into motion long before I was ever aware of them. The people in my life, for example; the friendships I have made in the past year and a bit have formed the person that I am now. The people I surround myself with are my family, and I'm so proud to be able to say that.

Do you ever have the sensation that a certain person was simply meant to be in your life? Do you feel as if you've known them for years, even though you only met them recently? I seem to come across this feeling an awful lot, lately. Don't get me wrong, I'm incredibly happy to be meeting these people. It's simply such a peculiar feeling, to feel so close to a person you barely know. Yet, it feels right. I guess only time can answer the questions that form from these situations.

It's been harder to write recently, since I've been so busy. I will try my best to update more regularly from now on, because these next few months are going to be filled with craziness that will need to be read.

All my love and happy vibes,
