Wednesday, February 17, 2010

And all of what I feel, I could show you.

Nothing compares to the silence that envelops a neighborhood, after snow has fallen in the middle of the night. The calm that sets in is a kind that rarely meets the city. All is quiet and, all of a sudden, you are reminded that you are a part of so much more than a city. It is a humbling feeling, making you aware that you're a part of the Earth - nothing more, and nothing less.

Now, imagine this. As you come to these realizations, and are taking them all in, the power in all the houses around you is eliminated. Everything is dark, and suddenly the night sky is so much brighter than before. If possible, the world is even quieter now.

There is no real way to describe the thoughts that ran through my mind when this happened to me tonight. It's simply the most comforting, but terrifying feeling that I've encountered in a long time.

- KareBear

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