Monday, August 9, 2010

Wow. It's been a while.

I feel almost guilty, having two separate blogs, but I feel there is some sort of purpose for them. I'm not quite sure what that is, but it'll sort itself out eventually.

Do you ever find yourself wondering what the world would do if you simply refused to comply to it's demands anymore? I found myself wondering that today. What if I were to throw away my cell phone, pack all my things into my car, and simply drive off? What would happen if I were to abandon my job, my community, my responsibilities, and leave everything behind?

And what would I do after that?

Most people would find this idea quite difficult to imagine. The thing is, our world is so enthralled in our own social norms that we don't stop to question whether or not they are natural.

So, question. What does 'true freedom' mean to you?

On the other hand, if we were all to pick up and leave on account of our own selfish whims, the world would be in a sad state. I guess my thoughts are all stemming from the stress of everyday life in modernized North America. It can become quite unbearable at times, especially to those of us who can't quite get used to this kind of life.

You take what you get, and do with it what you can.

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